*The total population for Houston according to the 2020 Census is 2,304,580. The total appearing on these tables is 304,383. Why? Twelve of the voting tabulation districts (voting precincts) from the 2020 Census Redistricting Data Summary File do not appear or match the City Of Houston Exhibit A (The current list of voting precincts by council district). The missing total of 205 is negligible and do not impact the shared total percentages for each council district.
This is a revised version of data previously posted. The total for some of the council districts has been updated. The revision had a negligible affect on the percentages.
Any tabulation error is inadvertent. Keep in mind these figures are estimates.
Please be aware that Census data is public information and may be downloaded at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/decade/2020/2020-census-main.html.
The information provided by the H-PERSPECTIVE is offered as a public service.