Here are five takeaways from comparing the #Top10 #Harris_County (TX) ZipCodes with HIGHEST and LOWEST #VoterTurnout in #2016election:
• The ten Zip Codes with the highest voter turnout account for a larger share of the vote than the percent of registered voters the areas comprise, 8.8% versus 10.5%. Inversely, the ten Zip Codes with the lowest voter turnout account for a smaller share of the vote than the percent of registered voters the areas comprise, 5.3% versus 3.8%.
• Registered voters that reside in Zip Codes with a highest Median Household Income turnout to vote in higher percentages. Inversely, registered voters in Zip Codes with a lowest Median Household Income turnout to vote in lower percentages, 72.9% versus 44.1%.
• Spanish-surname registered voters that reside in Zip Codes with the highest Median Household Income turnout to vote in higher percentages than Spanish-surname registered voters residing in areas with lowest Median Household Income, 67.2% versus 45.4%.
• Asian-surname registered voters that reside in zip codes with a highest Median Household Income turnout to vote in higher percentages than Asian-surname registered voters residing in areas with lowest Median Household Income, 62.1 versus 38.4%.
• In the ten Zip Codes with the highest Median Household Income, the voter turnout for non-Spanish and non-Asian surnames registered voters is higher, 74.5%, than the voter turnout for Spanish-surname registered voters. However, in the ten Zip Codes with the lowest Median Household Income, the voter turnout for non-Spanish and non-Asian surnames registered voters is lower, 44.0%, than the voter turnout for Spanish-surname registered voters.
• There is a wide gap in the Median Household Income, $127,005 versus $36,438, in Zip Code areas with the highest and lowest voter turnout percentages.