Methodology: The raw official Harris County Voter Registration Roll and Harris County Voter Roster files for the November 3, 2020 Election were uploaded to Microsoft Access and queries were designed and performed. The Birthyear groupings, starting with 1900 to 2002, were placed on Excel worksheets and matched using VLOOKUP.
This analysis includes four worksheets. The worksheet titled “Incorporated and Unincorporated” has three sections, information for 1) Unincorporated Harris County, 2) the City of Houston and 3) small cities within Harris County. The other worksheets provide section 1,2, and 3 individually.
The data tables were created by calculating (adding, subtracting and dividing) birthyear groupings’ voter totals and voter registration totals for the November 3, 2020 Election. The analysis provides ALL the birthyear totals and also provides subtotals at five year intervals.
Surname estimates were extracted by performing surname queries on Harris County Voter Registration Roll and Harris County Voter Roster using Spanish and Asian surnamed glossaries. Surname totals are depended on the completeness of the surname list.
The word “estimate” is utilized because voter registration and voter rosters only provide a persons birthyear and not the month, day and year of birth. Still, overall, the margin of error of the totals provided is negligible.
NOTE: All raw election files utilized for this analysis are subject to public inspection. That is, the public can obtain the files in raw form from the election office.